Sunday, November 20, 2011

And now, let's move on to cupcakes, shall we?
 A pink fairy house in case Tinkerbell drops by?
 Maybe a traffic pylon for the shopping cart/ stroller races one puts on when your friends come over to play.
 Or perhaps just a bucket of flowers because flowers are just good for any occasion.
This past weekend was a 3 year old birthday party... for 3 wonderful children. Fun was had by all. It was held at a gymnastics club, and what a good idea that was. 1 hour of rolling and tumbling, jumping and running. Followed by 30 minutes of refreshments, 15 minutes of cake and 15 minutes of clean up. Then homeward bound. Doesn't get too much better than that. Other than perhaps Chuck E Cheeze (according to one particular 3 year old. Although she kept asking to go back to the gym after we were done. Then proceeded to have a temper tantrum when she was told she couldn't. Oh well. She is 3.) Anyhow. I'm about partied out. Time to move onto Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I bet cutting those into slices would be rather difficult!


Anonymous said...

These are cupcakes !*#@? WOW